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Privacy can be difficult to find in a modern, open plan office.

From the smallest hub, which is like a telephone booth and adequate for one person, to the largest which can accommodate groups, Silen acoustic hubs are the perfect dividers for work and relaxation areas with industry leading sound reduction, and they can be adapted and customised to fit your own office requirements, with retractable castors so you can move the hubs around wherever you want them.

But our Silen range now offers so much more than just an acoustic hub.

Have a look at our new videos below for the Silen MindSpa and the Silen Outdoor acoustic hubs.

The MindSpa Relaxation Hub

The Silen MindSpa has been designed in collaboration with Synctuition, who are experts in the mindfulness field.

Through consultations with meditation experts and neurologists, this cosy and portable space allows you to achieve clarity of mind in a matter of minutes.

With the Silen Mindspa, you will feel recharged and rejuvenated in only 25 minutes and optimise your mind to increase creativity, productivity and improve your motivation.

The First Outdoor Acoustic Hub

Silen Outdoor, as the name suggests, is a new outdoor acoustic hub, where Silen’s signature design and innovative engineering combine to make a cool-looking premium outdoor pod – something that the acoustic hub market hasn’t seen before.

Whether you are in the snowy wilderness, green business parks, or hot pavements of a mid-summer city, the new Silen Outdoor pod offers you a comfortable and functional space to bring your ideas to life.

For further details, contact our sales team today!

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